The Kick-off meeting will be realized as the first in-person meeting of the project partners. The scientific goal and future work and responsibilities of each partner during the project implementation will be discussed. The partners will present their previous work in the fields, ideas and discuss and propose the design of the planned experimental work on biomaterial development and surface functionalization.

KickOff Meeting Programme.pdf

Novel Materials Fundamentals and Applications 2023 (NFA 2023) is an international conference, organized by the applicant’s home department, held at the High Tatras, Slovak republic. It hosts renowned experts from various scientific fields which provides an ideal space for presenting and sharing achieved scientific results therefore will contribute to the dissemination of information about biomaterial science from the V4 countries, which is one of the goals of the project. Participation at the NFA 2023 will also bring an opportunity to meet with the project partners, discuss with other experts in the field and gain new thoughts and ideas.

The Book of Abstracts with scientific papers of the participants can be found here: https://nfa.science.upjs.sk

The third event will take place in the city of Budapest, Hungary, at the Budapest University of Technology and Economy laboratories. The practical demonstrations focused on material preparation and mechanical testing, following the previous short stay, will take place for three days and will also emphasize student involvement, lively discussion, and practical demonstrations of the presented techniques and procedures for metal materials mechanical testing.

The fourth event will take place in the city of Zlín, Czech Republic, at the Tomas Bata University laboratories. The practical demonstrations focused on material surface functionalization will take place for three days and will be characterized by a dynamic approach, student involvement, lively discussion, and practical demonstrations of the presented techniques and procedures for metal materials surface treatment.

The fifth event will take place in the city of Lublin, Poland at the Medical University of Lublin laboratories. The practical demonstrations focused on material biological testing will take place for three days and as in previous cases, space for discussion, and practical demonstrations of the presented techniques and procedures for biological testing are planned.

Last meeting of the project where the results of the project will be summarized and further cooperation will be discussed during international NFA 2024 conference.